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Coaching and training 
in organizations

Coaching and training

in organizations


You have responsibilities within a company or an organization and would like a new dynamism within your teams?

I invite you to take a moment in your everyday life, to stand back, to take the obstacles, the stress and the routine out of the picture.

A moment to create - for yourself as well as for your colleagues - an individual and collective reliable space, rich in resources and in creativity, a space of excellence and balance which is up to you to create and to revitalize, ...  a real space of possibilities, cohesion, collaboration, where you take time to go more in depth to clarify and inspire:


- the vision you share with your team-mates and colleagues and study how they perceive it and make it their own;

- what is important for your organization; your common values. How they are shared and how they are concretely translated into actions;

- what identifies you, individually and collectively, gives pride and impulse and makes the difference;

coaching client professionnel

- the position and the role of everyone. How they can feel confident, motivated, in full ownership of their capacities and aware of their team-mate's individual talents; the frame of recognition in which they feel harnessed and invested with respect to work-life balance.

You may also like to recognize, to understand the - individual & collective - obstacles and conflicts that drain your energy and implement methods to alleviate these.

As a professional coach and nlp trainer ...


I propose you a meeting, where I shall listen to your needs, after which you will choose the objectives and the scope of the mandate.

This can be in the form of:

  • an individual coaching

  • an interpersonal coaching

  • a team workshop or coaching

  •  or a training on communication Tools and on nlp techniques and Learning.


and cover the following objectives:

  • strengthen the cohesion of the group, to develop the team spirit, the synergies of collaboration

  • learn to master the art of feedback with benevolence, estimation and mobilisation

  • acquire communication tools 

  • change perspective and its reality in front of stress for a solution oriented approach 

also ...

  • identify motivation levers (individual and of the group)

  • strengthen its leadership to develop self-knowledge and assertiveness, adopt a communication and a posture of circumstances.

  • mobilize in the grid of a new position

  • ensure self-balance and fulfillment to prevent a "burnout"


Together we define the formula which suits you best. 

Packages and tariffs

Package "Evolution"

     6 sessions of 1.5 hour

     duration: 2 to 3 months

       CHF 1'940

Package "Transformation"

    12 sessions of 1.5 hour

      duration: 3 to 5 months

      CHF 3'780

At the end of the package process, an assessment is drawn and discussed with the employee, as a result of which a summury is sent to the corporation representative, in agreement with the coachee with due respect for confidentiality.


1 h session:    CHF 230    

1.5 h session: CHF 290

2 h session :   CHF 380

The assessment objectives are to:


  • evaluate the impact of the coaching process on changes and progresses made

  • allow the employee to reflect on their skill-strenghts and motivational levers

  • become aware and develop one's mental strategies (*) among which engagement strategies

  • plan their course next steps and actions

nlp (neurolinguistic programming) is brimming with fine tuned tolls and technics to develop mental strategies i.e. decision-making strategy, motivational strategy, creativity on strategic sides. 

espace confiance include nlp trainings during their coaching sessions for a deeper and stronger impact on - personal and collective - change and transformation.

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